Polyamory Diaries 4: We're Having Our Best Sex In Years, Just Not With Other People

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In the latest installment of our Polyamory Diaries series, we're taking a closer look at the sexual dynamics within a polyamorous relationship. Contrary to popular belief, polyamorous relationships are not solely about having multiple partners, but also about fostering deep emotional connections and open communication. In this diary entry, we explore how one couple has rekindled their passion and intimacy, despite not engaging in sexual activities with other people.

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Reconnecting with Each Other

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When Sarah and Mike first opened up their relationship to polyamory, they were excited about the prospect of exploring new sexual experiences with others. However, as time went on, they found that their focus shifted from seeking external connections to nurturing their own relationship. "We found that we were neglecting our own intimacy in pursuit of other people," Sarah explains. "We realized that we needed to prioritize our connection with each other before seeking connections with others."

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As they redirected their focus back to their own relationship, Sarah and Mike found that their sex life improved significantly. "We were communicating more openly and honestly, and that translated into better sex," Mike says. "We were exploring each other's desires and fantasies, and it brought us closer together."

Exploring New Sexual Horizons

While Sarah and Mike have chosen to forego sexual relationships with others for the time being, they have not abandoned the principles of polyamory. Instead, they have embraced the idea of ethical non-monogamy, where they prioritize honesty, consent, and communication in all their interactions. "Even though we are not actively seeking new sexual partners, we still believe in the value of openness and transparency," Sarah explains. "We have conversations about our desires and boundaries, and we continue to support each other in exploring our individual sexual identities."

By maintaining an open dialogue about their sexual needs and desires, Sarah and Mike have been able to introduce new elements into their sex life. "We've experimented with different kinks and fantasies, and it has brought a sense of excitement and exploration into our relationship," Mike says. "We've found that we can still experience sexual variety and novelty without involving other people."

Reaping the Benefits

Despite not engaging in sexual activities with other people, Sarah and Mike have found that their decision to refocus on their own relationship has brought them closer than ever. "We're having the best sex of our lives, and it's all because we've prioritized our connection with each other," Sarah says. "We've learned that intimacy and passion can thrive within a monogamous framework, as long as we remain committed to open communication and mutual exploration."

As they continue to navigate the complexities of polyamory, Sarah and Mike remain open to the idea of rekindling connections with others in the future. "We haven't closed the door on polyamory," Mike explains. "We're simply taking the time to nurture our own relationship before venturing into new territory."

In conclusion, Sarah and Mike's story serves as a reminder that polyamory is not solely about having multiple partners, but also about fostering deep emotional connections and prioritizing open communication. By focusing on their own relationship, they have reaped the rewards of better sex and increased intimacy. As they continue on their polyamorous journey, they remain open to the idea of exploring new sexual horizons, while always prioritizing the strength of their bond with each other.